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Common description

BeagleBone Boards are small Open Source SBC's (Single Board Computer) initially designed by and initially manufactured by CircuitCo, though others started to produce them and even created derivatives from the best-seller BeagleBone Black.

Most information can be found by looking at official website, and many more all over the web.

I've been using the BeagleBone Black while teaching embedded Linux at ESCPE Lyon since the very first days (managed to get them a few days before the official release in April 2013), and used them for many professional projects too.
The performances were very good when the board was released, and I still prefer it over some fake open-source competitors (hint : they started the "fruit-based" names*), which are no more available, while the BeagleBone Black is still sold for the same price (December 2024, 11 years later).

'* : raspberry Pi boards are not open-source


BeagleBone Black

BeagleBone Green

Pocket Beagle
