- Device tree : arch/arm64/boot/dts/ti/k3-am67a-beagley-ai.dts
- Kernel config file :
Liens officiels
Debug port Connection
Onboard connector
Despite what some have published about everywhere on the Web (even within official beagleboard online documentation), the connector IS NOT a JST connector. Some stupid guy made a confusion between the name of the footprint on the schematics or in the BOM and the name of the manufacturer.
The official BOM gives all the information :
- Manufacturer : MTCONN
- Manufacturer part number : MTWF63-103SRN-01163
Where to find mating connector
I did not find the exact connector reference on MTCONN website, but they have another one which seems to be the same one : which reference is "WTB10-XX-02-2" ... but I do not know where to get these, much less the mating connector.
Some googling gave me another manufacturer with a compatible reference : Wurth Elektronik.
What's nice with Wurth Elektronik is that they have an efficient website, with all the information, and their references are easy to order using Mouser or Digikey for example.
Here are the references/links for all the parts :
- WR-WTB 1.00 mm SMT Male Vertical Shrouded Header
- WR-WTB 1.00 mm Female Terminal Housing
- WR-WTB 1.00 mm Female Crimp Terminal
- WR-WTB Pre-crimped wire
- And even the WR-WTB Manual Crimping Tool
Choose the number of positions you need (3 for the debug port, but there's also a 2 positions and a 4 positions connector on the BeagleY-AI board), and either ask for samples or look for the corresponding parts reference number on your preferred components supplier.